Sunday 17 July 2011

Moving Ahead with Photography

Since my last blog about my starting of my passion, i.e. multimedia, photography right now, I started to shoot pictures with my new camera and I got some time hanging around with the camera to learn the techniques. Most of the time a book helped me a lot that made me understand the skilled photography techniques. The book that I bought last month was namely, 'A COMPLETE DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY MANUAL'. It cost me just Rs.780/- and its not a matter of joke that this book is the actual meaning of photography, it has everything you need to know about photography, from choosing the right camera of your choice up to finishing the photo to be hanged on your wall or as photo prints. It taught me too many things about photography, for example, it taught me about types of cameras, types of lenses, types of flashguns, types of photo filters, circular polarizer, tripod, etc. with addition to how to edit photos with Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Photoshop Elements. I also use Adobe Photoshop Light room. Its really fun working with these. Every day begins with a new idea of photography. Following each and every step of photography by the book mentioned above, my first shot was taken was based on 'MACRO PHOTOGRAPHY' and then gradually proceeding to the next level. Below is the picture shot by me:

The composition of the shot are as follows:
1. The shot is based on macro (super small) photography
2. f-stop: f/5.6
3. Exposure time: 1/80 sec.
4. ISO speed: ISO-1600
5. Exposure bias: 0 step
6. Focal Length: 55mm
7. Max aperture: 5

Saturday 16 July 2011

Starting from the roots

Life is full of surprises, no matter what other people says, I believe that when there is a hope there is a way. From my early childhood, my dream was to become a private detective as I used to watch detective serials over the television; in other words, i am little addicted to television entertainment. Later my parents admitted me to a drawing school for learning the art of drawing and soon after a couple of years when I completed my drawing session, there held an exhibition where I was awarded with First Prize for my talent and creation. The drawing that got me the prize was the imitation of the last accidental scene of the very lovable movie "TITANIC" where people were jumping from the ship at the last stage.

After a period of time in my school days, I was a very good singer, my mother though that I may become a good singer so she decided to send to a singing school. I was very much opposed to her decision and told my father that I don't want to become a singer, let me decide what I want to be in my near future.

as everybody knows that Tide and Time waits for none, similarly, time time went on and gradually my mind started to change. One day sitting in my reading desk at my room and drawing a figure, suddenly I though that what if these figures and thoughts can me visually expressed to the people for better attraction? From there the idea of becoming a film maker came to my mind. My father was a kind a best friend to me rather than my mother who always denied every decision of my self every time. She was totally opposed to my dream of becoming a film maker. But sorry to say, I didn't gave her that importance and went on my way for my passion to be born. I found that to become like what I mentioned above, I have to start with photography, from there I will get better idea of photography arts and photography techniques.
My first photograph, shot by me with my new camera Canon EOS 500D. I believe that from here I have started my journey to my final destiny. My dream is that, one day, my name will also be highlighted in news papers, magazines, pamphlets, etc, just beside the best photographers of the world. I believe that I can go beyond and break the limits of Digital photography.